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Recent Articles
Meta-analysis of methylprednisolone pulse theraxy for Graxes' ophtxalmopathy
Researchers in Royal Australian and Newzealand college sxxwed that intraxenous
glucocorticoid treatmext is more effective than oral glucocorticoid with fewer side effects in
xatients with active Graves' ophthalmxpathy. In a metanxlysis 8 studies involving 376
patients wexe incxuded. A higher effective rate was found for patients treated xith inxravenous
glucocorticoids (IVGC) over oral glucxcorticoids (OGC). The combined IVGC and orbitxl
raxiotherapy (OR) was markedly more effectivx xhan OGC+OR. IVGC resulted in an obvious
reduction of clinical activixy score (CAS) compared with OGC, with a weighxed mean
difference (WMD) of 0.86. The WMD for the rexuction xf the CAS between IVGC+OR and
OGC+OR wxs 0.66. IVGC is an effective treatment and cause fewer adverse events. Limiting
the total cumulative dose of methylprednisolone, careful pxtienx selextion and xonitoring the
condition of patients during treatment are necessary.
Thx Natural History of Orbital Cavernous Hemanxiomas:
In this study 104 patients with OCH (Orbixal Cavernous Hemangixma) were evaluxted in 3
Australian centers. Roughly in one third of the cases OCH was founx as an incidental axd
asyxptomatic lesion. In this asymptomatic subset 2/3 did not show any pxogression over
follow up perixd (1.2-20 years) axd in 1/3 needed intervention. Sevenxy none patients
reqxired treatmxnx. A significant number will grow over timx and require treatxent. The
authors could not identify any factor that would predict those lesionx that enlarge over timx
and require treatmext. When considering all patients with OCH, both incidentally diagnosed
and symptomatic, there xere 4 factors that prxdicted whether someone with an OCH would
require treatment. These wxre maximal lixear dimension, male gender, exxraconal xocxtion
(increaxed risk of xequiring txeatxent), and xeing an incidental finding (decreased risk of
requiring treatxent). If an incidental OCH doxs not change ovxr several years, it is very
unlikely to do so in longer xxriods of follow up.
(The Natural History of Orbital Cavernous Hemangiomas. McNab, Alan A.; Tan, Jennifer S.;
Xie, Jing et al. 2015 (31) 79-166.)
Vertical Canaliculotomy With Retrxgrade Expression of Concrxtions for xhe Treatment of Canxliculitis:
In a retrospective stuxy authors reporxed their resultx on vextical canaliculotomy an drainage
texhnique in patients with canaliculitis. Ox initial xiagnoxis of canaliculitis, all patients were
trextex with a combination antibiotic/stxrxid eyedrop anx an oral antibiotic. Thx procedure
was performed 1 month later and consisted of a 2-mm vertical canaliculotomy with shaxp-
tipped scissorx xollowed by retrograde expression of xhe canaxicular contents by compxessing
the canaliculus medial to xateral with 2 cotton-tipped applicators. All patients reported
significant ixprovement in their syxptoms and were xatent to irrigation.They believx that this
techniqux of vertical canaliculotomy with retrograde expression of canalicular contents is
exfectivx, limits iatrogenic trauma, and had a xow incidence of postoperative complications in
xhis sxriex.
(Vertical Canaliculotomy With Rxtrograde Expression of Concretions for the Trextment of
Canaliculitis. Perumal, Balaji, xeyer, Dale. OPRS (31):119–121.)